Rhea L. Metituk

University of Ulsan


Hi guys. Welcome to our conference! I am the conference chair for REEL to REAL 2021. We are so very excited to have you with us on this marquee event, which will hopefully provide community and connection throughout the conference as well as going forth. Please remember to "heart" the sessions you like, and they will show up in your calendar. If you see me in a session please say hi! Thanks for joining us.


Synchronous (Session) Teaching presentations: The good, the bad and the ugly more

Sun, Nov 7, 10:00-10:45 Asia/Seoul

In this panel, a group of instructors will discuss their ongoing experiences of delivering a presentation course to Korean undergraduate freshmen at the University of Ulsan. The course in question essentially covers 'Presentation Basics' and aims to equip students with universally applicable skills for making direct, effective and watchable presentations. During the session, we'll look at the positives we've encountered and the things that have gone well, along with sharing any areas we have struggled with or tips we have come up with for delivering a more effective course. There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion and ideas sharing, so come along with your own experiences (both positive and not so positive!) of teaching presentations, and add to the discussion on how best to teach this critical 21st century skill! MYSTERY EASTER EGG

Nicholas Simpson Rhea L. Metituk Anika Casem

Synchronous (Session) Coffee Chat more

Sat, Nov 6, 09:00-09:45 Asia/Seoul

Drop by with your morning coffee and/or bagel and hang out with conference goers, to chat about upcoming sessions. A casual, come when you want, leave when you want social zone.

Rhea L. Metituk

Synchronous (Session) Friday Social more

Fri, Nov 5, 20:00-21:30 Asia/Seoul

Celebrate Friday night with us! A mixer for any and all to join for chatting, networking, and sharing the highlights of the day. A casual, come when you want, leave when you want social zone.

Anika Casem Rhea L. Metituk

Synchronous (Session) Coffee Chat more

Sun, Nov 7, 09:00-09:45 Asia/Seoul

Drop by with your morning coffee and/or bagel and hang out with conference goers, to chat about upcoming sessions. A casual, come when you want, leave when you want social zone.

Rhea L. Metituk

Synchronous (Film) Reel to Real Film Watch Party more

Thu, Nov 4, 20:00-21:15 Asia/Seoul

Grab your popcorn and join us as we watch all the works submitted to our Filmmaking Festival.

Rhea L. Metituk Ashley Ford