Jeannette Kranick

Affiliated High School of Peking University Dalton Academy


High school EFL and content-based teacher with experience in China, South Korea, Spain, and the USA.


Synchronous (Session) Our English Journeys: Chinese High School Students’ Experiences with EFL more

Sat, Nov 6, 18:00-19:15 Asia/Seoul

How do students feel about the seemingly inescapable role of English learning in 21st century education? This panel will center student voices in the discussion, as we consider the effect of English learning on the students’ education, culture, identities, and more. Panelists include students from the Affiliated High School of Peking University’s international program (Grades 10-12). Their high school experience has included the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent forced move to online learning, as well as a heavy focus on successfully learning English. Panelists will reflect on their ELL journeys past and future, discussing issues such as nativism, accent bias, code switching, and economic factors as time and interest allows. EASTER EGG 3

Jeannette Kranick