Jeff Kuhn

Ohio University


Jeff Kuhn, PhD is the esports director at OHIO University. In his role he works with faculty and administrators to incorporate games and game-related technology into classroom practice. He frequently delivers talks and keynote addresses on game design, games and learning, and the need for games literacy in educators.


Synchronous (Session) The New Media Literacy of Videogames: Bringing them into Classroom Practice more

Sat, Nov 6, 11:00-11:45 Asia/Seoul

Videogames have evolved from an emerging fad of the Super Mario Bros. era to perhaps the dominant media past time. Yet with this colossal growth videogames have not seen the classroom adoption we might expect. The challenge for educators is in how to incorporate videogames into the classroom when they are fundamentally different from the traditional media we use such as film, books, and music. In this session we explore that difference and how we can structure and scaffold our classroom activities to best support the interactivity, and choices that videogames provide. Along the way we will investigate the research on how videogames can support language learning, how gaming culture can provide career opportunities for our students, and the ways educators can more effectively support students hoping to enter the US$150 billion-a-year videogame industry.

Jeff Kuhn