Daniel Morris


Daniel Morris holds a BA (Hons) degree in Hispanic Studies and a Cambridge CELTA. He has worked as an EFL teacher and British Council Language Assistant in Spain and the UK. Since joining Express Publishing as an ELT Consultant in 2018, he has travelled extensively, delivering academic presentations and teacher training sessions at various international events, including TESOL and IATEFL.


Synchronous (Session) Pathways to Communicative & Professional Development in ESP more

Sun, Nov 7, 16:00-16:45 Asia/Seoul

The 21st century ESP learner is required to demonstrate a broad range of communicative and professional skills in their chosen vocation. In order to facilitate the development of such skills, ESP instructors must be aware of the specific communicative needs of their students, while also considering the growing importance of soft skills in the modern workplace. This session will examine the terms ‘specificity’ and ‘soft skills’ and their role in ESP teaching. A clear distinction will be made between hard and soft skills and how they contribute to professional success. The speaker will then introduce practical methodologies and techniques to help learners develop specific communicative and professional skills simultaneously. Special attention will be paid to the implementation of these strategies, which include scaffolding techniques, use of authentic and specific materials, in addition to the integration and use of functional language and topic specific vocabulary. MYSTERY EASTER EGG

Daniel Morris