David Kluge
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Synchronous (Session) I Love PIE: Description of the JALT Performance in Education (PIE) SIG more
Sat, Nov 6, 16:00-16:45 Asia/Seoul
This year is the tenth anniversary of the birth of the Performance in Education (PIE) SIG of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT). The presenter, the founder of the SIG, will describe its founding, purpose, structure, highlights of its history, its present situation and its possible future. The purpose is to show that a performance in education SIG would be a valuable addition to KOTESOL. The presentation also serves as an invitation for collaborative efforts between the two language organizations and to encourage individual KOTESOL members to participate in our conferences. Popular venues have been Okinawa and Sapporo where we have annual conferences, and Kyoto, Kobe, and hot springs resort towns like Gero. There will be a Q&A session at the end. MYSTERY EASTER EGG
Synchronous (Session) The Amazing Story of the Making of The Lattice Podcast: A Model for Creative Collaboration more
Sun, Nov 7, 10:00-10:45 Asia/Seoul
In preparation for Reel to Real Film Festival and KOTESOL National Conference 2021, Rhea Metituk, the conference chair for the event, suggested that the three of us get together to write a promotion for the film festival/conference. This started us on an amazing creative journey that ended in a short article/promotion in The English Connection and an extended version that ended up as a podcast. The presenters will introduce the short article, play the podcast, and then will share their stories of how these two projects came to be. It is a story of unbridled creativity matched with quick collaboration and technical and dramatic talent. The presentation will end with reflections on how to structure successful creative collaboration projects. A question and answer session will conclude the presentation. MYSTERY EASTER EGG
Synchronous (Session) Saturday Social more
Sat, Nov 6, 20:00-21:30 Asia/Seoul
Celebrate Saturday night with us! A mixer for any and all to join for chatting, networking, and sharing the highlights of the day. A casual, come when you want, leave when you want social zone.