Jon Walsh
Jon Walsh is an urban farming consultant and instructor based in Tokyo, Japan. He runs Business Grow, a Tokyo-based sustainability consultancy specializing in providing urban farming, sustainability and survival skill training, consulting, and resources. As a leading innovator in Japan’s urban farming sector, Jon is extremely well positioned to help people learn fundamental urban farming skills. He has so far taught over 1,200 people about urban farming and how to grow healthy food, sustainability practices and survival skills, and set up over 50 gardens around Tokyo, including at the Grand Hyatt Tokyo, Aoba-Japan International School, Tokyo International School, Ohana International Preschool, Tokyo Children’s Garden kindergarten, Montessori School of Tokyo, and elsewhere.Sessions
Synchronous (Session) Panel Discussion: Environmentalism in EFL more
Sat, Nov 6, 19:00-20:15 Asia/Seoul
The industrialization of South Korea and other developed economies has enabled a higher standard of living for most citizens, but not everyone benefits equally, and, some pay more by having to live or work nearer sources of industrial pollution, or areas of higher climate incident risk. This is the challenge of environmental justice. How can we best prepare our students to tackle these enormous interrelated issues? Questions will be focused on motivation and practical outcomes in terms of language acquisition, awareness raising and behavioural change, and will include wider environmental themes. Participants will have the opportunity to contribute information, ideas, experiences, and questions. MYSTERY EASTER EGG