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Synchronous (Session) 21st Century Skills Invited Speaker

Future-Proof Competencies: The Soft Skills Students Need for Employment

Sun, Nov 7, 15:00-15:45 Asia/Seoul Room KT

Soft skills have long been hailed as being of fundamental value to young people’s education. This talk considers why certain new competencies are increasingly being recognised as vital by employers and societies around the world. Based on what current research indicates as being instrumental for young people seeking to achieve success in their professional and personal lives, this talk also consists of some suggestions for how students in ELT contexts can be enabled to develop these competencies.

  • Daniel Xerri

    Dr Daniel Xerri is a Senior Lecturer in TESOL at the University of Malta. He holds postgraduate degrees in English and Applied Linguistics, as well as a PhD in Education from the University of York. His most recent co-edited books are ELT Research in Action: Bringing Together Two Communities of Practice (with Jessica Mackay and Marilisa Birello, 2020, IATEFL), and English for 21st Century Skills (with Sophia Mavridi, 2020, Express Publishing). Further details about his talks and publications can be found at: