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Synchronous (Session) 21st Century Skills Invited Speaker

Lights, Camera, Action. Filmmaking for Language Learning and Digital Literacies

Sat, Nov 6, 17:00-17:45 Asia/Seoul Room KT

Filmmaking has never been easier thanks to the widespread use of social media and mobile devices. While its educational value has been widely acknowledged, its role in the language classroom is rather underexplored. However, in a world where communication is becoming increasingly multimodal, short film creation can offer tremendous learning opportunities for students of almost any age.

Informed by the PPR framework (Mavridi, 2019) and digital literacy pedagogies, this session will explore the role of filmmaking in supporting the development of language skills and digital literacies. We will also look at how teachers can guide students through the process of planning, drafting, editing and revising short films and how they can embed this process in a student-centred and engaging way.

  • Sophia Mavridi

    Sophia Mavridi is a digital learning specialist and lecturer in English Language Teaching at De Montfort University (UK). Her research focuses on online learning and the increasingly important role of digital literacies in language education. Sophia supports institutions and teachers to integrate technology in a pedagogically sound way and has trained for major organisations around the world. Her latest publications are Language Teaching Experiences During COVID-19 (2021), English for 21st Century Skills (2020) and Digital Innovations and Research in Language Learning (2020). Find out more about her here Digital Pedagogy.