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Synchronous (Session) Teacher Development Workshop (45 min.)

Mastering Motivation Mechanisms

Sat, Nov 6, 15:00-15:45 Asia/Seoul Room AC

For many years, academics, psychologists, teacher trainers and teachers have been trying to define how to motivate students. We read about these techniques every day but we never find out if they are finally implemented or work out.

The assumption that, maybe, instead of trying to find out how we motivate “students”, we first try to find out how to motivate “people” will be primarily discussed. The speaker will also try to demonstrate that the motivation we are seeking for learning a language is the same that we need in our everyday lives. We also need to be aware of the “dark side of motivation” as a pitfall that teachers may be falling into often without realizing it. All these assumptions and ideas will be accompanied by suggestions on how they can be positively transferred through ELT tasks.

Let’s help any teacher transform from an educator into a motivator. MYSTERY EASTER EGG


Mastering Motivation Mechanisms

MOTIVATION is a huge issue and many people more important than me has talked about it. However, in this endless quest for finding the "right motivating recipe", I came across some handy ideas that may prove to be helpful for you and your students. Also, we will be looking into some "demotivation pitfalls" and try to learn how to avoid them. Awareness is the key for every modern teacher and we will try to foster and expand it.

  • George Kokolas

    George Kokolas has been working as the Academic Director and Teacher Trainer for Express Publishing for the last 21 years. He has delivered lectures, presentations and demo lessons to over 1000 institutions/conferences in 89 countries. He is a certified LEVEL 5 TEFL teacher with deep knowledge and vast experience in training teachers. He is also a certified ADVANCED Neurolanguage CoachⓇ, practising Neurolanguage CoachingⓇ professionally or as an integration to regular classes. He currently studies Positive Psychology trying to merge ELT into it through different mindsets and activities He also holds a BA in English Literature and he is the co-host and producer of the internationally successful podcast “Teachers’ Coffee”. Since 2020 he is the Senior Editor/columnist for the Neurolanguage Collective Magazine.