Our movie is Dreamer. We wanted to show the pain and beauty of chasing dreams. The main character had a dream of becoming an artist, but she became depressed because her work wasn’t recognized by anyone. Her family didn’t encourage her, and they tried to make her give up. Because of that pain, she started using drugs. Everyone has the potential to commit misconduct such as being dependent on drugs. We also wanted to show the role of friends. There is a person who is watching you always and you should cherish them. A friend is very important, but we realized through making this film that you must be your own heroine and overcome the weakness by yourself. **FILMS may be viewed on Youtube ("About the Conference" drop down menu) or in the Watch Parties: Thursday 8pm-9pm or Sunday 10am-12pm or 2pm-6:30pm!**

  • Ashley Ford

    Ashley Ford is a language lecturer at Nagoya City University in Nagoya, Japan. Her areas of interest include Creative Project-Based Learning and Performance in Education, especially through filmmaking and music performance activities. Her current activities also explore the method and process of filmmaking to collect, analyze, and present data in qualitative research. She organizes an annual film festival for English language learners with the JALT Performance in Education SIG, and hopes you will encourage your students to make films to enter next year!