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Synchronous (Session) Other Research Presentation (20 min.)

Gamification & Film Festival Awards Ceremony

Sat, Nov 13, 13:00-13:30 Asia/Seoul Yongin KOTESOL Chapter Room

The Awards Ceremony has been POSTPONED to Saturday, November 13. This give you more time to play the conference games and vote for your favorite films! We will announce the Winners of the Gamification and the Winners of the Film Festival Awards at the Awards Ceremony. There will be prizes for the Easter Egg Hunt, Top Participant for the Fliphunt. We will be awards to the winners in both student films and non-student film categories for: Best Film, KOTESOL Award, Liquid Arts Award, & Viewer's Choice Award. *This will be held in conjunction with a KOTESOL Yongin Chapter meeting, the week after the conference. *

  • Ashley Ford

    Ashley Ford is a language lecturer at Nagoya City University in Nagoya, Japan. Her areas of interest include Creative Project-Based Learning and Performance in Education, especially through filmmaking and music performance activities. Her current activities also explore the method and process of filmmaking to collect, analyze, and present data in qualitative research. She organizes an annual film festival for English language learners with the JALT Performance in Education SIG, and hopes you will encourage your students to make films to enter next year!

  • Anika Casem

    Anika double-majored in English and Speech Communication, has a MA in Communication studies, and a TESOL certificate. In the U.S., she taught public speaking at the university level and adult language learners at a local community college. Her research interests include public speaking, rhetoric, intercultural communication, and media studies, which she believes is the best excuse to watch whatever is considered binge-worthy by the pop culture zeitgeist . She has been in South Korea since 2016 where she currently teaches at the University of Ulsan and is the Busan-Gyeongnam Chapter President and Co-Chair of REEL to REAL: 2021 KoTESOL Filmmaking Festival and National Conference.