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Synchronous (Film) Other (Film) Film: Student-Made

Spotlight on Student Films

Sun, Nov 7, 12:00-13:00 Asia/Seoul Room AC

This session will be a live synchronous watch party and discussion featuring some of the students films created by students from Nagoya City University. The teacher will introduce the course and process of planning and creating these films, and give some behind the scenes details about how they were made. The audience is encouraged to participate in the discussion, by asking questions and sharing your opinions and reviews of the films!

  • Ashley Ford

    Ashley Ford is a language lecturer at Nagoya City University in Nagoya, Japan. Her areas of interest include Creative Project-Based Learning and Performance in Education, especially through filmmaking and music performance activities. Her current activities also explore the method and process of filmmaking to collect, analyze, and present data in qualitative research. She organizes an annual film festival for English language learners with the JALT Performance in Education SIG, and hopes you will encourage your students to make films to enter next year!