Sessions / Health and Well-Being

The power of 'negative' language learning motivation #1701

Sat, Nov 6, 12:00-12:20 Asia/Seoul | LOCATION: Room RM

It is widely understood that 'positive' feelings like enjoyment and curiosity can motivate language learning. However, motivation also emerges from 'negative' feelings, like shame, frustration, and antagonism. Some people learn languages to resist, to prove others wrong, and to transform an unjust situation. This presentation is about such 'negative' motivation, and how and why it manifested for one learner of Korean.

This presentation is based on a narrative study of the experiences of a Korean adoptee from the US learning Korean. With illustrative examples from this learner's narrative, the presenter will demonstrate the power of painful emotions and unwelcome social pressures to foster and sustain a long-term commitment to language learning. At issue are the ways that the Korean language and the Korean ethnicity are discursively related, the ways that society pressures individuals to conform, and the ways that language learning decisions can be a response to this pressure. EASTER EGG 2

Looking After Teachers and Students’ Well-Being in Remote Teaching Times #1726

Sat, Nov 6, 19:30-19:50 Asia/Seoul | LOCATION: Room RM

When remote teaching comes unexpectedly, some teachers and some students might find it challenging to adapt to it. Switching suddenly from one educational model to another might entail overwhelming situations that, undoubtedly, affect teachers and students' performance in the distance. So, how to nurture physical and mental well-being in remote teaching times at basic and higher education levels? This presentation intends to share with attendees both, the results that an action-research study carried out at teacher training college and secondary education levels provided during the pandemic of COVID-19, and some practical ideas to be replicated in different contexts. This study was done, first, by applying some actions to pre-service teachers and some educators at Escuela Normal de Amecameca in the State of Mexico, Mexico, and then, by having volunteer teachers from some secondary schools in the area apply some to themselves as well as to their students. EASTER EGG 4