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Synchronous (Session) ELT and the Arts Workshop (45 min.)

Finding yourself, there’s no out of order: actor, writer, teacher

Sat, Nov 6, 16:00-16:45 Asia/Seoul Room RM

Acting and teaching how do they go hand in hand? How can one help the other and vice versa? Learn the pros and cons and dos and don’ts of both, from one who has been through it all. Explore how teaching can open up the door to finding your calling, and finding yourself. MYSTERY EASTER EGG


Acting and Teacher Education: The BEING Model for Identity Development

Download PDF: Acting and Teacher Education: The BEING Model for Identity Development

Finding Yourself PPT (pdf)

Download PDF: Finding Yourself PPT (pdf)

  • Erin Wuchte 에린

    Living in South Korea for eight years, as an actress, writer and teacher Erin strives for that work-life balance and integration. Long-term goals involve committing to and growing with a company while strengthening my skills as a actress and journalist.