Sessions / Panel (75 min.)
Reel to Real Film Watch Party #2471
Grab your popcorn and join us as we watch all the works submitted to our Filmmaking Festival.
Friday Social #2469
Celebrate Friday night with us! A mixer for any and all to join for chatting, networking, and sharing the highlights of the day. A casual, come when you want, leave when you want social zone.
How can knowing about the brain transform learning? #2428
We are living in unprecedented times, education is in upheaval, educators are key role models for the future. One of the major quests of the educator is as Curtis says to “relieve the suffering of the classroom,” and the more we understand the brain and emotional triggers, the more we can help our learners. Making learning more suited to individuals, making learner focused and centered upon the learners is absolutely key, to make sure that "Anyone can learn how to learn easier, better, faster, and that learning to learn is the most important skill a person can acquire." As a panel we will discover how the speakers added dimension that neuroscience and psychology can add to enhance the learning process and in all disciplines, not only language learning. Join us in a LIVE panel discussion forming a triangle spanning the earth - Argentina, Spain, Greece, Japan to Korea. We will also be responding to your questions and comments regarding this topic, so do send in your questions and on the day we will try and address as many as we can. MYSTERY EASTER EGG
Our English Journeys: Chinese High School Students’ Experiences with EFL #1736
How do students feel about the seemingly inescapable role of English learning in 21st century education? This panel will center student voices in the discussion, as we consider the effect of English learning on the students’ education, culture, identities, and more. Panelists include students from the Affiliated High School of Peking University’s international program (Grades 10-12). Their high school experience has included the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent forced move to online learning, as well as a heavy focus on successfully learning English. Panelists will reflect on their ELL journeys past and future, discussing issues such as nativism, accent bias, code switching, and economic factors as time and interest allows. EASTER EGG 3
Panel Discussion: Environmentalism in EFL #2426
The industrialization of South Korea and other developed economies has enabled a higher standard of living for most citizens, but not everyone benefits equally, and, some pay more by having to live or work nearer sources of industrial pollution, or areas of higher climate incident risk. This is the challenge of environmental justice. How can we best prepare our students to tackle these enormous interrelated issues? Questions will be focused on motivation and practical outcomes in terms of language acquisition, awareness raising and behavioural change, and will include wider environmental themes. Participants will have the opportunity to contribute information, ideas, experiences, and questions. MYSTERY EASTER EGG
Saturday Social #2468
Celebrate Saturday night with us! A mixer for any and all to join for chatting, networking, and sharing the highlights of the day. A casual, come when you want, leave when you want social zone.
Publishing with a Small Press #2457
As traditional publishers have moved more towards global coursebooks and series, a wave of small presses have appeared, with an interest in innovative, experimental, or niche titles. This panel features a variety of authors from Wayzgoose Press talking about their different paths to publication and why they chose a small press over a larger publisher or self-publishing. We’ll also talk about what kinds of projects are best suited for a small press and how to approach one with your own ideas. MYSTERY EASTER EGG
Reel to Real Film Watch Party #2473
Watch all the Reel to Real 2021 Films, Student and Non Student Films! In this room the films will be playing in succession in an infinite loop.